
I’ve moved!

Quick update to the site. I’ve spent the past few months creating and updating a new website. All patterns and archives have been moved and I am thrilled with the new look!

Please change your subscriptions to http://www.weesheepknits.com.

Goodbye July!


July has come and gone! Where has it gone? I thought I’d have so much time to write and work and dream, but I did a lot of running around with the kids- getting to VBS and sports camp.  We also spent a week with my in-laws, enjoying some quiet country air and avoiding the NE coast heat wave!  So now we’re into August and I can’t wait to tell you what I’ve been coming up with!


Primarily, I’m working on an inventory, both for my Etsy shop and for a local Indie Craft Market that I’ll be selling in this December!  I am so excited to show some of my work!  I have tons of prototypes to share, and I hope you will be willing to give me a little feedback on what you like and what you think might be more popular.  I’m sure there are some fashion gurus out there! I’ll be posting pictures in the near future- as I’m still in the creative phase.

I’ve also been contracted to create a sweater for my friend’s children!  I am thrilled to be making the first sweater, and I am plugging along in writing up the pattern as well.  Here’s a sneak peek…

I am enjoying the process so far.  The colors are fun, but it has been difficult to work with wool during the heat of the summer.  Knitting waits for nothing!

Thank you for keeping up with me.  Can’t wait to share more soon!

I finished my shawlette last week.  I am LOVING the results!  I used about 300 yards of Regia 4ply color in a slightly varigated pastel shade.  I have had this yarn for years, but really never had a good use for it until this shawlette.  I’m just so happy with it!

The pattern was just complex enough to keep me interested, but small enough to keep me interested.  🙂  I really like the “top down” design.  It made it so much easier to complete as the rows were bigger while I was still initially motivated.

I think it blocked out very nicely- all the yarn overs are easily seen.

Thank you WendyKnits for a wonderful, fun knit-along!

Specs: Size 5 aluminum needles.  Sock weight yarn.

And what else have I been up to?  Stay tuned…

Spinning Foibles

I got my wheel fixed.  My Ashford Traveller.  Let me back up. I decided to spin again- it’s been a while- and pulled out the hand-dyed roving I made last spring at my dying class (green, orange and white) and started in.  Then snap! The flexible nylon piece that connects the treadle to the wheel broke. Foiled! Luckily I have an Ashford supplier about a half hour from here, so I ran down and got a new piece.  All good to go!

I spun the singles and then navajo plied, since I wasn’t sure how the colors would blend in a 2-ply.  I think the colors turned out alright, but not as vivid as I’d thought.

I ended up with about 130 yards of 3-ply.  Not a whole lot, so I looked for a small project and settled on a head wrap I saw on the Yarnivore podcast.  I got within 3 inches of finishing and ran out of yarn.  Phooey.  I set the yarn aside for a day or two and discovered this…

Hey ma!  The dog ate my yarn!  Again!  Sigh…

But, I think it was a good first step back into  spinning.  I think I’ll be pulling out the wheel more often since I have some lovely bamboo and silk to try.

I’ve been working on the mystery shawlette from WendyKnits that is so popular this summer.  I’ve been watching video podcasts for the past few weeks so I don’t have to use so much paper on the sock clues (for the Sock Knitter’s Anonymous Artichoke mystery sock) and it seems that most of the women I’m listening to are joining in on this shawlette.  I can’t say I’m a huge shawl fan, but this one is done bottom up, so it gets smaller as you go and is much more manageable than starting small.  I (and I’m sure many of you) get bogged down as a project grows and I tend to give up before I’m done.  This one?  Well, take a look and see. I finished the third repeat of Clue C tonight and I am LOVING the results.  My yarn is actually quite a bit lighter than this picture, but I like the way the detail of the stitches is showing up in the picture.  I’m using Regia Color 4 ply in a light neutral colorway.  I’m glad to have found a project for this yarn- I wasn’t having much luck finding a sock pattern that I liked with the very subtle color changes.

Clue D comes out tomorrow- I can’t wait to see the finished product!  After that it’s back to Artichoke.  I finished sock one and I’ve had a bit of trouble with the pattern.  We’ll see if it’s actually the pattern or if I just can’t read as I get into the foot of sock two.



Birds Nest Necklace

Something I’ve been playing with… This one was made for my mom for Mother’s Day.  I love how it turned out…

I think this style charm might become an Etsy item.  Keep an eye on my shop for other versions!


When Girls Attack

Nothing is sacred…

It’s just so sweet when preschools do an “official” graduation. The kids spent about a half hour singing their little hearts out and then were awarded a diploma to mark the end of the preschool year.  Guess this means that K is an official Kindergarten kid now!  She did so well during the show and was so excited to dress up special and wear her four-cornered hat.

My hat, it has four corners.

Four corners has my hat.

And had it not four corners,

It would not be my hat!

She has really blossomed into a confident kid.  Seems like every time I turn around I am reminded that she is so capable, strong, intelligent.  And stubborn.  🙂  Can’t wait to see how she does next year, but for now we celebrate summer!


Congratulations, K!

Feeling Inspired

I’ve got a hankering for some pretty things- new spring tops, fun whimsical items.  But we’re in the process of figuring out what to do with a bum car and so the extra spending must slow.  Gotta make do with what I’ve got.  Not that it’s a bad thing to wear the same clothes for two years (oh no!), but you must agree that a bit of freshening up can help.  Especially when it’s been raining for 2 days and it’s not expected to stop for a week…

So what does this mean?

I did some browsing around Anthropologie today.  I love the jewelry and general style of their lines.  Somewhat vintage with a little modern thrown in, yet simple.  I’ve been inspired.


These two sweaters in particular caught my eye.  I love the braided features- cables without being bulky.

I can see this one as being pretty fun to work on, too.

I’ll be back…

Mysterious Sockage

I’ve been working hard on lots of projects. In fact, my Lanesplitter is blocking and just about ready for seaming!  So excited for that!  So, as it dries I’ve been working on Clue 2 of the Sock Knitters Anonymous Mystery Sock for the May Sockdown.  It’s called Artichoke and has subtle beading on the cuff.  I’ve decided to use a muddy brown (lightly varigated) yarn I’ve had lying around for a while with some goldish iridescent beads.  I think I bought the yarn with the intention of using it for Nate, but I’m actually enjoying the organic feel of the color as I create a flower/plant on the side.

Can you see the little flower blooming?  Color is not quite right, but close.

It’s been a long time since I’ve done any mystery knitting.  I’m enjoying the deadlines- having the pieces broken down into manageable segments and the intrigue of what it will look like, ultimately.  I do hope I win part of the drawing this month.  There are some BEAUTIFUL prizes- as always.